Thursday, May 31, 2018

Ice cream day

May 31,2018

Today was ice cream day! We had an ice cream themed morning meeting. Then we worked in teams to match the ice cream scoop equations to their cone sums. For writing, we reflected on our first grade year - it was a “scooper” year. Kids wrote amazing things about our year together. The finished products can be seen in the hallway. We took a survey and read an Elephant and Piggie book. Then, we walked to the creeme stand for a nice cold treat! After, we spent some time playing at the park. What a fun day! 

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Audubon and Birds of VT Museum field trip

May 29, 2018

We had an awesome day learning about birds! We explored the museum and loved seeing all of the wood carved birds. We had a great time with our guide Rae. We identified birds, listened to bird calls and built our own nests.